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Because the devil is in the detail!

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3Es vision according to HP N Media


These are the main attributes we have been focusing on for 15 years. During that time, we have organized hundreds of events, from small ones lasting a few hours for a few guests up to the largest multi-day ones for thousands of participants. Outdoor, indoor, for the public as well as for a closed VIP group, they all have one thing in common – emphasis to the detail. Whatever type of event it is, we design it from A to Z to make the experience unforgettable for your guests.
We take care of all personnel and technical equipment incl. transport and accommodation
or we arrange an online event streamed all over the world.

Focus on your key note, we take care of everything else.


a completely unique turnkey events

​Don't worry about anything, just tell us the framework assignment, we take care of everything else. Just the choice of outfit is up to you :-)

  • Securing the location

  • Staffing (hostesses, promoters, moderators, technical staff, security, health professionals, production and event manager...)

  • Supervision before, during and after the event

  • Guestlist, online / printed invitations, inviting guests or media

  • Catering and other services such as barman show, barista, etc.

  • Accompanying program — live music, dance / light / fire show, etc.

  • Original gifts for guests

  • Creation / help in creating a presentation incl. related production (photo, video, graphics, etc.)

  • Photo & video documentation of the event or live streaming

  • And anything else you can think of...

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15 years of experience on your side

​15 years is a long enough time for us to know with certainty what and how to give guests an unforgettable experience from your events while still keeping to the set budget. We especially enjoy thinking about the small details that separate the good from the exceptional. We always start with the overall theme and develop a unique story from it incl. location, dress code to the choice of catering.

  • Unique theme design

  • Ensuring unique venues

  • Detailed schedule and supervision

  • Detailed itemized calculations


let your brand shine

What sets you apart from the competition is the emotion you evoke in connection with your brand. In addition to classic events, we also specialize in incentives and non-traditional event formats for employees and business partners. With us you can, for example, experience the feeling of a racing (co)pilot or let the adrenaline flow through the bodies of your business partners and employees. All this, of course, with your brand on the hood of our racing specials. .

  • Incentives for your colleagues and business partners

  • Securing VIP guests for your events

  • Unique workshops and talks, e.g. management lecture "Running a company is like driving a racing car "

  • Operation and rental of racing specials for rally and cross-country rally


HP N Media s.r.o.

Revolucni 724/7

CZ - 110 00, Prague 1

T: (+420) 602 700 327

E: hpnm(at)

ID number: 28949978

VAT number: CZ28949978

bank account: 43-5636950207/0100

Thank you for your interest!
We will be in touch.

"Enthusiasm, joy, something perfect, unexpected, beautiful..."

Lukáš Klimpera, Walk free s.r.o

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